Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Husband.

Today, on our third wedding anniversary,  I just wanted to try and express in words how much my husband truly means to me. How much I am madly in love with him.
I'm not even sure if that is possible, but I'm going to try.
I can't believe we have been married three years already. Sometimes it feels longer, probably because we started dating in high school. Sometimes if feels shorter, because every day I am happy and excited to be with him (Well, okay....most days.)
I can still vividly remember the excitement of preparing to walk down the aisle and say our vows, the anxious butterflies, the happy tears, the joyful embraces.
I can remember standing with my dad and peeking through the windows into the sanctuary and seeing him standing at the end white as a ghost, but smiling ear to ear.
I remember thinking to myself, "I love that man."
When I think about my husband and our relationship, I can't help but smile.
I'm so thankful that I can call him mine.
I'm so thankful that he chose to be with me.
I can honestly say that I married my best friend.
He has been one of my best friends for almost 9 years now.
He is one of the most caring, selfless, funny, and amazing men I have ever gotten the honor to know.
He has taught me how to be a better friend and wife.
He works incredibly hard for our family every day, and never complains about it.
He has accepted me, flaws and all, and loves me regardless.
He pushes me to be a better person. To work harder. To love harder
This past year had some of the most joyful and most devastating moments in our relationship.
From finding out we were expecting, to finding out our sweet daughter was no longer with us.
Most people would let something like losing a child  tear a relationship down, become distant from one another.
For us however, it has made us closer then ever.
We now have an inseparable bond.
We experienced something that no parent would ever wish to experience.
We are truly the only ones who really "get it" and understand the pain it feels to lose a child. Our child.
We are both grieving in different ways, but it's nice to know that someone is there to share the pain with you. Help carry some of the burden.
Through it all we have learned that even in the toughest times, the darkest place, we have each other to rely on. And really that is all that matters.
I have been strong because he has been strong for me, even when I am at my weakest.
There were days I didn't feel like I could take another breath, my heart was so broken.
I didn't think I could find the strength to go on.
But he was there, pushing me to do so.
I thank God every day for giving me Jordan. I would not have it made it through the last few months without him by my side.
I would not be where I am and who I am today without him by my side.
I am proud of our relationship, that we are able to say even in the midst of tragedy we are closer and more in love then we were before.
I know he would have been the most amazing father to Peyton.
Well, he is an amazing father to her, by loving her and myself unconditionally.
I just know Peyton is looking down from Heaven and smiling because she is so proud of her father and the man he is.
Peyton is lucky to have a father like him, and I lucky to have him as my husband.

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